Thursday September 24, 2020, 09:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. – Research and Graduate Study Section by the Graduate Study and Research Utilization Mission Group, Research Administration Division of Khon Kaen University organized a special talk on, “Transforming Research and Innovations in Thailand with the New Normal”. Assoc. Prof. Charnchai Panthongviriyakul, M.D., President of Khon Kaen University presided over the event and welcomed administers whose work is related to research, lecturers/ researchers, and related officers totaling over 100 people. The talk was given by Dr. Jak Panchuphet, an Advisor to Minister of Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation. Another talk was given by Dr. Sompong Khlainongsuang, Deputy Director of TSRI for Budgetary Administration on, “Budget System for National Research and Innovation”. The talks were given at Sirikunakorn Room 3, 2nd Floor, Sirikunakorn Building, Office of KKU President.

Assoc. Prof. Charnchai Panthongviriyakul said, “As the first university in the Northeast, Khon Kaen University has always held the missions in instruction, research, academic services, and art and cultural nurturing. An important goal of KKU is academic and technological advances at an international level. In addition, KKU aims at improving the quality of life of the people in the Northeast. One means to achieve this is to drive forward and clarify the research directions, emphasizing basic research that leads to new bodies of knowledge as well as applied research on issues important in the region. Khon Kaen University has expertise in research and systematic development of researchers, from new researchers, middle and senior researchers. We have modern research equipment and tools that well support research work. At present, the national research direction has greatly changed from the past, with rapid changing of different technologies and innovations and our lifestyle. Researchers need to adjust themselves to keep pace with the changes in the world. They need to understand the national and the future world’s direction of research and innovations. Therefore, in order to prepare the ajarns and researchers of Khon Kaen University for the said changes, KKU by Research and Graduate Study Section as organized the talk today on Transforming Research and Innovations in Thailand with the New Normal”. The purpose is for KKU lecturers and researchers to understand their roles and the system of research and innovation of the nation under the new normal as well as the budget system for research and innovations of the country. It is also expected that the talks will be an inspiration for research work. I hope that the talks today will be useful for us in preparing ourselves for the transformation of research direction and in carrying out research that answers the national issues and directions.”
Research and Graduate Study Section always sees the importance of the development, enhancement, and promotion of research work of KKU researchers so that the research studies will be awarded research scholarships from different sources, and so that the research outcomes will be full of quality and accepted internationally, for they are usable in community and social development. The talks today have been arranged so that the researchers could exchange their knowledge and experiences and design their research projects that meet with the objectives of different research granters. From the talks, KKU researchers were informed of the research approached under the new normal, approaches taken in research grant allocation. Khon Kaen University is nationally and internationally considered an institution of qualities in education, research, administration, good governance and high competency. Staff members work in good environment and have good quality of life. The university supports research work of the researchers so that they produce good research outcomes, add to academic products and meet the requirements of research funds both governmental and private, as well as the industrial sector.
During the past year, Khon Kaen University Council and Khon Kaen University administrators set the common administrative strategies that involves research transformation, with an aim to increase the number of researchers, promote mega-projects and research programs that will be able to respond to high-impact issues. At the same time, research towards new products or commercialized research and innovations are driven forward while more partnerships in business and industry built.

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News / photos: Wachara Noichompoo