Khon Kaen University has introduced the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) digital technology system, or a new information system in the whole organizational administration. The system is applied, with the visions of the organization’s leaders and the cooperation of members, in order to create new working cultures that will facilitate as well as develop the working potentials of the personnel. As such, the personnel will be cognizant of technologies, and as a result, the administration will be efficient. The aim of using ERP is not to acquire good and modern software, but to change the management into one that can go hand in hand with modern technology.
On Friday July 3, 2020 – 13:00 – 16:00 p.m., Khon Kaen University’s administration section led by Asst. Prof. Dr. Tala Thammaroj, Vice President for Administration held a seminar on Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). Vice Presidents, Assistants to the Presidents, the University Advisor, deans, associate deans, directors and deputy directors of all faculties and organizations attended. The purpose was to get ready for improving the university’s information system. Assoc. Prof. Charnchai Panthongviriyakul, MD., President of KKU, chaired the opening ceremony. Speakers included Asst. Prof. Dr. Denpong Soodphakdee, Vice President for Digital University Development, who gave a talk on Digital Infrastructure and Dr. Thitipong Nanthapiwat, whose talk was on IT in Governance. The event was held at Auditorium 2, Second Floor, the main building of the Northeast Science Park, Khon Kaen.

Assoc. Prof. Charnchai Panthongviriyakul said, “Due to technology, there is an increase in the need for an information system that responds to efficient administration and operations, which also is in time with the leaping changes of digital technology – as we all know that digital disruption affects all aspects of our lives at present. Khon Kaen University therefore has a policy to improve the administrative information system (Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP). This comprises personnel administration, finance and accounting, procurement campus management, and business intelligence management. All system will share the information and we’ll get the information resource that can accommodate the operations and assist the administrators in decision making at all levels.”
During the past 20 years, the leaping development of information technology is the important factor behind the present-day economic changes. The use of daily life technology, or the new form of operation in the digital world is spreading. Each organization needs to set an approach for its digital transformation in order to avoid the impact from digital disruption that results in the necessity for organizations to bring into use a new digital technology and apply it along with the visions of the organization’s leader and the cooperation of the organization’s members. The result is a new working culture that facilitates members and increases their working potentials, which in turn, leads to efficient administration.
The Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) project of Khon Kaen University involves the principle policy in ecology of the university under the 8th strategic plan. Next, the organization will enter the digital age, in which the project will be implemented in 2 phases: the first being standardizing the operations of all systems and building common databases. This phase will take 9 months. The second phase is installation of information system in the following sections: planning and budgeting, procurement, accounting, personnel administration, and data analysis system. This second phase will take 15 months.
The use of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) for utmost benefits in the planning and administration of resources aims at reforming the operation system so that officers will work together, increase their efficiency and adjust for appropriateness in the operations, leading to rapidity and decrease of total expenditures. The university has standard databases, which are complete and up-to-date for administrators to use in their decision making. The efficiency of personnel will also be increased, meaning they are able to use creativity in the work and hence the university’s progress.
News: Watchara Noichompoo
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