KKU joins 7 organizations to hold the KM Show and Share, aiming at for opening the potential development area, extending the learning management process that leads to educational innovations

May 13, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. – Faculty of Education, Khon Kaen University and 7 organizations including Khon Kaen Provincial Administrative Organization, Khon Kaen Municipality, Khon Kaen Educational Office, Office of Secondary Education Service Area Khon Kaen, Office of Primary Education Service Area 1, Khon Kaen Vocational School and Khon Kaen Technical College, to organize the Competition Project and Presentation of Innovations on the topic: “KM Show and Share: Good Practice for Best Innovation”, which is the first time of 2024. Assoc. Prof. Charnchai Panthongviriyakul, M.D., President of Khon Kaen University presided over the event and Assoc. Prof. Issara Kanjug, Ph.D., Dean of the Faculty of Education gave the reporting speech. Among the over 200 attendants were administrators, educational personnel from different organizations. The event took place at Saisuree Jutikul Conference Room, Faculty of Education.

รศ.ดร.อิศรา ก้านจักร คณบดีคณะศึกษาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น กล่าวรายงาน
Assoc. Prof. Issara Kanjug, Ph.D., Dean of the Faculty of Education reported that the 1st KM Show and Share: Good Practice for Best Innovation, 2024 was organized by the Faculty of Education, Khon Kaen University under the KM Road Map, which has been ongoing from 2020. In 2024, the project is extended to deployment of innovations, seeking Best Practices that lead to creation of innovations that add to social and commercial values. This event featured exhibitions and competition of educational innovations, and thus was considered opening of the educational potential development zone. The end results will be learning both internally and externally and extension of the utilization of the bodies of knowledge which are the outcomes of the works.

รศ.นพ.ชาญชัย พานทองวิริยะกุล อธิการบดีมหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น กล่าวเปิดงาน
Assoc. Prof. Charnchai Panthongviriyakul, M.D., President of Khon Kaen University, thanked the Faculty of Education and the other 7 organizations for organizing this event. It was another event that involved various learning management processes by internal and external personnel of the organizations. The president appreciated the works of students shown at the event. These educational personnel will be the hope of the country, with their competency in making students able to think and create their works as well as solve different problems effectively until there are products and pieces of works that can be put into real use. The most important thing for primary and secondary students is that if we are to prepare them for the future, the teachers must instill the Idea Thinking in them. Students should have the creative thinking, able to think, express, analyze and synthesize. These are the keys to efficient creation of works. All of the activities in the event today would lead to awareness among educationists to see the importance of the development of bodies of knowledge and extension of learning management process until there are the innovations related to education that can be disseminated among the public. The knowledge and experiences from these can lead to learning management and research that will benefit learners, schools and the national education system.

อ.รัตนาภรณ์ ลังกาวงค์ โรงเรียนบ้านยะพอ สำนักงานเขตพื้นที่การศึกษาประถมศึกษาตาก เขต 2 จังหวัดตาก
Ajarn Rattanaporn Langkawong, from Ban Payo School, Office of the Primary Education Service Area 2, said that she was pleased to be able to take her students to present their work, which was one of the 27 selected for presentation at Khon Kaen University. The work was “Learning Management Innovation to Build Innovation for Developing a Young City by the Design-a-thon”. The work was under the category Innovation of teachers (Fundamental Level). Design-a-thon is an integration of Design Thinking and Make Education under the concept: “Can think, can do, see the value”. The students had the skills and design thinking and were able to create a model from their thinking to develop themselves and the community. Ajarn Rattanaporn then thanked the Faculty of Education, Khon Kaen University and the other 7 organizations for organizing this event. This was a good chance and it was a venue for learning and sharing with other schools, opening the work vision for the students, and can be adjusted in the context of the school she is working in. More details are available at: http://innodev.moe.go.th/?page=details&id=609 )

There were 27 work outcomes of educational innovations presented, which were selected from 68 from all regions of the country. The 27 pieces of works were screened by experts from many organizations in order to find the 2024Best Innovation. The presentation was in the form of Pitching, and they were classified into 6 categories, as follows:
1. Innovations of educational administrators
2. Innovations of university lecturers
3. Innovations of teachers (fundamental level / Demonstration Schools/ Vocational Schools)
4. Innovations of Educational Supervisors
5. Innovations of students (undergraduate and graduate levels)
6. Innovations of school students (primary and secondary levels)
Three categories of awards of the 2024 KM Show and Share: Good Practice for Best Innovation: Beginning Innovation, Good Innovation, and Best Innovation.
News: Banjamaporn Mamook
Photos: Banjamaporn Mamook, Communications Division and Watunyu Dinnua, Faculty of Education, KKU



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