Friday, October 15, 2021, from 14:30 to 16:00 p.m. at Room 402, or the Smart Classroom – the Institute for Research and Development in Teaching Profession for ASEAN, Khon Kaen University by Assoc. Prof. Maitree Inprasitha, Ph.D., Vice President for Education and Academic Service, Acting Director of the Institute for Research and Development in Teaching Profession for ASEAN, and Chairman of the Education Foundation for Thinking Skill Development held an online MOU signing ceremony via Zoom Meeting for collaboration of the Project: “Building Environmental Conscience by STEAM Education for Problem Solving”. The MOU was signed by 4 organizations: TOYO SYSTEM Co., LTD., the Institute for Research and Development in Teaching Profession for ASEAN of Khon Kaen University, The Mathematics Certification Institute of Japan, and the Education Foundation for Thinking Skill Development. At the event, Assoc. Prof. Charnchai Panthongviriyakul, M.D., President of Khon Kaen University gave a reporting speech to Mr. Surapon Phetwara, Vice Chairman of Khon Kaen University Council, the Advisor of the Institute for Research and Development in Teaching Profession for ASEAN, who presided over the MOU signing ceremony.

The MOU signing ceremony for the Project: “Building Environmental Conscience by STEAM Education for Problem Solving” was signed by Mr. Hideki Shoji, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO, TOYO SYSTEM Co., LTD.; Assoc. Prof. Maitree Inprasitha, Ph.D., Vice President for Education and Academic Service, Acting Director of the Institute for Research and Development in Teaching Profession for ASEAN, and Chairman of the Education Foundation for Thinking Skill Development; and Prof. Shizumi Shimizu, Chairman, The Mathematics Certification Institute of Japan. Signing as witnesses were Asst. Prof. Piyasak Pakkhothanang, Acting Deputy Director of the Institute for Research and Development in Teaching Profession for ASEAN and Asst. Prof. Narumon Changsri, Ph.D., Director of the Mathematics Research Institute, Assistant to the Director of the Institute for Research and Development in Teaching Profession for ASEAN, and Secretary of the Foundation. Among honorable guests were Prof. Monchai Duangchinda, Ph.D., Vice President for Research and Graduate Study of Khon Kaen University; Mr. Booyarit Sombatlai, a member of Khon Kaen University Council; Dr. Panupong Saengdee, a senior professional Education Supervisor of Khon Kaen Provincial Education Office; Khun Charnnarong Buristrakoon, Chairman of Khon Kaen Chamber of Commerce; Khun Panchai Suwanwanit, Vice Chairman of Khon Kaen Provincial Industry Council.
Assoc. Prof. Maitree Inprasitha, Ph.D., Vice President for Education and Academic Service, Acting Director of the Institute for Research and Development in Teaching Profession for ASEAN, and Chairman of the Education Foundation for Thinking Skill Development
Assoc. Prof. Maitree Inprasitha explained about the Project: “Building Environmental Conscience by STEAM Education for Problem Solving”. “This project answers Khon Kaen University’s strategies in many dimensions. Firstly, the new academic services of Khon Kaen University that aim towards internationality and promotion of developmental collaboration will transfer the academic services from Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to Creating Shared Value (CSV) sustainably. This also answers the United Nation’s SDG 4, too.”
“In Creating Shared Value (CSV), TOYO SYSTEM is collaborating with the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry, the Provincial Education Committee and the private sector, to carry on CSV in Iwaki, Fukushima. This mission was aimed at restoring the people receiving impact from the 2011 hydrogen explosion, the company and the company’s people who lived within the distance of not more than 50 km, so that they can go on to live their lives normally.”
“Raising environmental conscience and mathematics-based thinking are the important basis that will lead to development of various technologies in parallel with environmental problem solution. Thailand has joined with The Mathematics Certification Institute of Thailand (SUKEN of Thailand) to enhance capacities in future technological development. If the environmental conscience is missing, problems may arise just as in Japan, for example, the Minamata or Itai-itai disease that emerges from cadmium and mercury. Therefore, the 4 institutions have high intention to enter the collaboration in order to drive forward the 5-year project in building environmental conscience using STEAM Education.”
“For in-depth CSV, Toyota Motor Company network is joining with the Provincial Education Office to create co-values so that the people will not be afraid of hydrogen power. This will be the prototype for developing modern technologies where private companies work with the community and the province, and is thus considered the prototype model. The youths are taught to understand the use of the whole energy system from the primary level. In Thailand, people should also be aware of the future technological development. If the environmental conscience is not there, we might confront the problem as in Japan from the Minamata or Itai-itai disease from cadmium and mercury.”
“The Project: “Building Environmental Conscience by STEAM Education for Problem Solving” will enable Thai people to understand and become aware of technological development in the future by means of STEAM Education. Students at all levels should be made to understand and know that industrial and technological development must be carried out with environmental friendly concept. In the next 5 years, the project will have important impact at the university and national levels. It will answer the University’s strategy in International Collaboration. The fact that Khon Kaen University has a chance to work with the world leading company and competent scientists, along with our battery factory, will bring great advantages to KKU,” Assoc. Prof. Maitree Inprasitha ended.
News / Photos: Watchara Noichompoo