Khon Kaen University has modified the pattern of instruction that emphasizes Lifelong Learning by organizing a credit bank system. Undergraduate students from Faculty of Law can pre-take a master’s degree program in Faculty of Business Administration and Accountancy while studying at an undergraduate level so that the MBA time spent will be less.

Khon Kaen University by Faculty of Business Administration and Accountancy has developed a KKBS Lifelong Learning program in the form of credit accumulation. This KKBS PRE – MASTER DEGREE program instruction involves management skills for commercial entrepreneurs and innovations for students of KKU and anyone interested to develop their entrepreneurial potentiality. The program is aimed […]

Khon Kaen University has modified the pattern of instruction that emphasizes Lifelong Learning by organizing a credit bank system. Undergraduate students from Faculty of Law can pre-take a master’s degree program in Faculty of Business Administration and Accountancy while studying at an undergraduate level so that the MBA time spent will be less. Read More »