June 15, 2019

KKU flies high on world university ranking by SIR as a Thai’s top three

KKU flies high on world university ranking by SIR as a Thai’s top three

KKU is ranked third domestically and 656 internationally following the world university ranking by Scimago Institutions Rankings 2019 Scimago Lab reveals its overall ranking of the world universities for 2019 on its website at https://www.scimagoir.com. Based on this arrangement, twenty-two of Thai universities were on the rank with KKU holding the third place at national […]

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KKU Library fuels research on Smart City development for keys offices in Khon Kaen

KKU Library fuels research on Smart City development for keys offices in Khon Kaen

KKU Library gears forward a research on Smart City development for eight keys offices in Khon Kaen who have entered agreement with KKU on its smart city project. On June 14th, 2019, at Kaenphoom room2 of Khon Kaen city Hall, a team of KKU library members led by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wanida Gan-Argart, a director

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