Education USA, Embassy of the United States of America, Bangkok, Thailand, Cooperates with IAD to hold the special lecture “Studying in the U.S. and Scholarship Opportunities for International Students”

On October 7, 2020 at 10.00-11.00 hrs., Graduate School Meeting Room, 4th floor, Bimala Kalakicha Building, KKU, Education USA, Embassy of the United States of America, Bangkok, Thailand, cooperated with International Affairs Division, Khon Kaen University, to hold the special lecture on the topic of “Studying in the U.S. and Scholarship Opportunities for International Students”. This was honored by Ms. Deb Mak, Assistant Cultural Attaché Media and Cultural Section, Mr. Charles Hornstra, the Regional Education Advising Coordinator (REAC) in Mainland Southeast Asia & China, and Ms. Siripat Chayopas, Cultural Affairs Assistant and Education USA Advisor, who lectured at this event. This lecture aimed to introduce and provide useful information about studying abroad in the U.S., including preparation and other essential considerations. Attending this event were both Thai and international students and KKU staff.    


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