December 15, 2021 at 13:00 – 15:30 p.m. – Assoc. Prof. Charnchai Panthongviriyakul, M.D., President of Khon Kaen University presided over the 1/2021 meeting of the Risk Management and Internal Control Committee at Sarasin Room, 2nd Floor, Sirikunakorn Building, Office of the President of Khon Kaen University. The meeting was organized in parallel with an online distance conference system in order to protect against the spread of COVID-19. Participants included Vice Presidents, Assistants to the President, Deans, and directors of Offices and Divisions appointed as the committee members of the Risk Management and Internal Control Committee, according to the Khon Kaen University’s Order No. 10328/2563. Mr. Pattarasak Thammasirirak, Director of the Strategy Division was the secretary of the meeting.
The committee members of the Risk Management and Internal Control Committee have been appointed according to the Khon Kaen University’s Order No. 10328/2563, to set the roles and plans for risk management. The duties also extend to setting plans for emergency cases and administration of continuity, regulating, monitoring, evaluating, reporting the results of the risk management, setting work approaches, providing recommendations for improvement of the risk management plans, considering and approving and reporting the results of internal auditing. The major agenda of the meeting were as follows: (1) Proposal of the risk management plans for 2021 and the following 7 risk factors of 2021 of Khon Kaen University:
- 1. The number of student enrolment is lower than the plan (Graduate level).
- 2. Risks of accidents on campus
- 3. Personnel evaluation does not correlate to the University development.
- 4. Development of personnel’s competency to meet the changing technologies (to accommodate ERP system)
- 5. Website intervention, sabotage, software or hardware errors that affect unplanned down-time
- 6. Complaints against administrators and personnel affect the reliability and image of the University.
- 7. Some rules, regulations, and announcement have not been adjusted according to Khon Kaen
University Act of 2015.
(2) Setting the elements in the 2021 Business Continuity Management (BCM) of Khon Kaen University, which comprises:
- 1. Management plans for readiness during the crisis of continuous contagious disease
1.1 Health care
1.2 Instruction
- 2. Prevention and suppression of fire
- 3. Plans for situations, strikes or riot
- 4. Plans for prevention of damage in information and communication system
- 5. Plans for management of power blackouts
- 6. Plans for management of instructional programs that have no students (Undergraduate level)
- 7. Plans for management of instructional programs that have no students (Graduate level)
The proposal of the risk management plans for 2021 and the setting of the elements in the 2021 Business Continuity Management (BCM) have been decided so that the operations of Khon Kaen University will proceed with steadiness and stability, and the University will be able to face the possible risks in the future.
News: Chutinan Panjarung
Photos: Natthapong Chamnan-ua