September 9, 2020, 9:00 a.m. at Khon Kaen Railway Station – Khon Kaen University by the Special Affairs Section and Communications Division, certain faculties and units joined in holding the “KKU CSV Fair – Khon Kaen University for the Public”. This project, of 2020, is to extend values to the social, enhancing the spirit of KKU as the Center of Social Wisdom. The fair serves the community in various aspects, carried out by lecturers, staff and students under the role of social dedication. CSV is abbreviated from “Creating Shared Value” and is aimed at instilling conscience in social service of Khon Kaen University people.
The KKU CSV Fair was officially opened by Assoc. Prof. Charnchai Panthongviriyakul, M.D., President of Khon Kaen University. Ajarn Natsamol Tanakulrungsarit, Assistant to the President for Special Affairs gave a reporting speech. Khon Kaen Muang District Officer, representatives from Khon Kaen official organizations, Khon Kaen Station Director, Presidents of different associations in Khon Kaen and a lot of Khon Kaen people joined along with KKU Administrators, deans of faculties, and student representatives. The opening ceremony was concluded with ‘Thad’ drum performance by students of Faculty of Architecture, Pong Lang Sinsai Band show by students of Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts. KKU President then walked around visiting different units that provided various academic services at the Fair.

Assoc. Prof. Charnchai Panthongviriyakul said, “KKU CSV Fair – Khon Kaen University for the Public” is a public service fair that answers the university’s philosophy of social dedication. All through the life of Khon Kaen University, our staff members have always been out to serve and work with the communities in all dimensions, education, promoting ways of living, and health-related assistance. The activities have continuously been performed. Such social dedication is like something that reminds KKU folks to think about the public, the problems people are facing and help them to improve their ways of living. This, in turn, will contribute to national development.”
“The fair is a result of cooperation by the University’s personnel, governmental and private networks, and the press. We are supported by the railway station for the venue. In fact, there is the hospital on campus that sends out personnel to serve in different areas of the Northeast. However, this is the first time that we have organized the fair in town. I hope that the fair will benefit the public so that we will plan the continuity in the future,” explained KKU President.
“KKU CSV Fair – Khon Kaen University for the Public” is aimed at having lecturers, staff and students of KKU to contribute to the society and build good relationships between KKU and the community. Networks will also be built to for cooperation in creating shared values. One consequence is a good image of Khon Kaen University.”
Ajarn Natsamol Tanakulrungsarit, Assistant to the President for Special Affairs explained that this fair provided services to the community free of charge. It is the biggest fair ever organized by Khon Kaen University. The aim is to instill and upgrade the social responsibility conscience among KKU folks, using various bodies of knowledge, determination and expertise to efficiently serve the communities outside.
At the fair, different faculties and organization had previously arranged and prepared their zones ready for service, which started at 9:00 a.m. when people gradually arrived. KKU prepared a screening point for registration using QR code, following the disease prevention standard in order to make visitors confident. Volunteer students from many faculties helped facilitating visitors as they arrived. Visitors then chose to visit the point they were interested in. Most reflected their appreciation towards the fair.
Khun Loeng Tookhamphi, who was from the community in front of Khon Kaen Center Hospital said that it was a very impressive fair where Khon Kaen University came out and promoted good health among the people. People received health care services and knowledge at the same time. One thing which was very good was the good attitudes of KKU officers who provided services. Khun Koeng hoped this project will continue in the future.
Khun Somchat Chai-ayut, Chairman of Sam Liam 3 Community said that he went to the fair at KKU last year and saw that this year was much better because all services provided were interesting. This time he expected to have a check-up for cancer and liver fluke. The activities were useful for the public as they were able to receive health care service without having to go to the hospital. He truly appreciated this event and thought that KKU has been proactively working for the people.
Khun Wilairat Kapchaiyaphum, a village health volunteer (VHV) from Wuttharam Community said that this was a good project because it reached out to the community and people felt it was more convenient for them. Her purpose was to have tooth pulling. She thought the atmosphere of the fair was friendly and lively. If this could be frequently organized, it would benefit people a lot. People were proud of having an institution to take care of them. If something like this could be arranged in a more remote area, then it would be much better. Finally, Khun Wilairat thanked everyone from KKU who came.
Khun Rungnapa coming to, who brought her pet to receive health care service for animals said she was happy that KKU thinks about the people and organized this event. People do not have to travel long distances. She finally wished all KKU staff success.
The event also asked some students with voluntary mind to join so that they would learn about the process of public services. There were volunteer students assisting in various points, such as providing information and instruction, assisting in screening and registration to facilitate visitors and the elderly patients. The students worked eagerly and were appreciated by those who came.
Miss Kalyakorn Khawchaweeratanachat, a first-year volunteer student from Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science said as a health science student, it was a good chance for her to learn about the public health problems, their illnesses, and treatments they received. It was like acquisition of knowledge and experiencing the needs of the people for good service.
“Although the university is an academic institution responsible for instruction, this kind of activities for the people is a good example for students. Seeing these activities stimulates our good feeling in providing social services, which we will do when we become adults,” Miss Kalyakorn Khawchaweeratanachat said.
The faculties, working units and activities included: basic physical check-up, health consultation, measuring subcutaneous fat, influenza vaccination (elderly only), mammogram by Srinagarind Hospital; screening liver fluke disease by urine antigen by Cholangiocarcinoma Research Institute, with exhibitions on liver fluke disease, screening innovation, and cholangiocarcinoma knowledge; exhibition on safe foods; screening chronic renal disease, giving information related to kidney disease by the Northeast Prevention of Chronic Renal Disease Project with exhibitions on renal disease, innovation of CKDNET app CKD Project, dki service for screening renal disease, blood check, urine check; overall physical check-up with the smart “Suk Sala”; Rabies vaccination, ticks and fleas removal for pets by Animal Hospital, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine; safe farm produces from 37 farmer groups in the KKU Poverty Mitigation Project, with handicraft, and a lot of manufactured goods; blood donation by Blood Bank, Srinagarind Hospital, which also gave out masks from the Royal Thai Red Cross to blood donors; oral health check-up, tooth extraction and giving dental health care information by Faculty of Dentistry; consultation in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), depression in children and adolescents, tension checking, alcohol addiction in adults, with manuals distributed for self- care and memory and dementia check-up for the elderly by Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine; the radio broadcasting community network joined by providing knowledge, news report testing, music show, singing and games; KKU Library joining with the activity, “KKU Library Book Exchange, a meeting point of reading lovers, with learning and sharing about books, book exchange, reading corner for young children, electronic garbage collectors, fantastic tales of reading; Queen Sirikit Heart Center offering screening of heart disease, ekg test, CPR demonstration; Department of Anesthesia, Faculty of Medicine giving information about preparation before anesthesia, pain relieving and acupuncture.
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News / Photos: Udomchai Supannawong