KKU Library has ensured their information resource services will continue by developing an Intelligent Sterilizer Box to sanitize books while providing borrowing services.
Ms. Jeerapa Simajaruk, Deputy Director of the Academic Division, KKU Library, said that during the COVID-19 outbreak, KKU Library followed the preventive measures put in place for the New Coronavirus 2019 by first closing the reading space and then preparing the space with social distancing measures to get ready for the upcoming re-opening. Besides arranging the reading space, they are also providing information resource services such as books and devices for online learning and teaching. To ensure these services are safe, they decided to develop the Intelligent Sterilizer Box.
Mr. Arthit Pratumchai, a senior library staff member, gave the additional information that the KKU Maker Space team took the existing wooden book-drop box and set up a UVC light, light rail track and control panel system within it. Using this system, it takes 30 minutes to sanitize 100 books. Moreover, for staff safety, the sanitization process starts when the library is closed.
To borrow books using the online service, please fill in the online request form via http://library.kku.ac.th then click the “One Search” menu. If you have any questions, please contact https://www.facebook.com/KKULib.
[ Thai ]