KKU launches two new world plants

Researchers from Faculty of Sciences, KKU and researchers from Ireland discovered two new world plants in Umpang Distrcit, Tak 

The researchers from Taxonomy Research Center, Biology Department, Faculty of Sciences, Khon Kaen University – Asst. Prof. Pimwadee Pornpongrungruang, Prof. Pranom Chantaranothai and researchers from Department of Botany, School of Natural Sciences, Trinity College Dublin, Republic of Ireland – Prof. John A.N. Parnell and Prof. Trevor R. Hodkinson discovered and publicized two new world plants in the family of Phyllanthus or what some people refer to as Phyllanthus niruri in Phytokeys, Vol.136, December 2019 (https://doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.136.47625).

Phyllanthus huamotensis Pornp., Chantar. & J.Parn. –  is distinguished from other plants by its puberulous leaf surface and pistillate flowers which have red, narrowly lanceolate sepals with a white, long fimbrate margin, puberulous outer side as well as puberulous pedice. It is found at the area of limestone mountain areas. Its scientific name follows the place of its origin, I.e., Doi Hua Mod, Umpang District, Tak.

Phyllanthus chantaranothaii Pornp., J.Parn. & Hodk. – is also found at Umpang District, Tak. It looks similar to Waan Toranisan, but with hair on upper surface. It is found at the areas of deciduous coniferous forest. The scientific name honors the discoverer, Professor Pranom Chantaranothai, a renown Thai taxonomist who dedicates himself to the studies of different flora in Thailand, especially the plants in the species of gooseberries.


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