KKU and Khon Kaen Province give helmet to students, promoting “100% helmet use and 0% accident”

Thursday September 28, 2023 – Khon Kaen University and Khon Kaen Province held the helmet distribution event for students of Khon Kaen University to promote the “365-day safe ride and drive” program. The event took place at the first floor area of Sirikunakorn Building, Khon Kaen University.

At the event, Assoc. Prof. Charnchai Panthongviriyakul, M.D., President of Khon Kaen University welcomed Khon Kaen Governor, and added that Khon Kaen University has continuously carried out work on prevention and decrease of road accidents, through public relation for perception, setting safety measures, enhancing safe drive and ride culture among students and staff, and developing innovations related to traffic safety on Khon Kaen University campus.

“Khon Kaen Province, by the Governor, has announced the agendum: “365-day safe ride and drive in Khon Kaen” and today gave 500 helmets to Khon Kaen University students. This is a good opportunity that would enhance safe motorcycle riding behavior and key deployment in lessening severity of injuries and loss of lives and assets of the students. Khon Kaen University is grateful to Khon Kaen Province and all who joined the helmet giving today. Welcome all with pleasure.”

Assoc. Prof. Piansak Pakdee, Vice President for Student Development and Alumni Relation reported that the announcement of Khon Kaen Province of the agendum: “365-day safe ride and drive in Khon Kaen”, and 100% helmet use with the target group being school and university students aged 15-22 years; is in accordance with the safety policy of Khon Kaen University. KKU has campaigned through various activities to promote and build conscience in the prevention of injuries from road using of students and staff.

Khon Kaen University has made a survey on the need of helmets with students from all faculties. 574 answered that they needed a helmet. Khon Kaen Province therefore donated 500 helmets to KKU students. At the event, 90 students as representatives of all came to take their helmets.

Mr. Kraisorn Kongchalad, Khon Kaen Governor who presided over the helmet giving today explained about the “365-day safe ride and drive in Khon Kaen” that has been continuously implemented for 2 months. Besides giving information related to traffic laws, Khon Kaen Province also distributes helmets in order to prevent accidents. All through these two months, it was found that the injury statistics and death rate really decreased at around 50%. It is expected that the number would continue to decrease during the last month of the project.

“If motorcyclists wear helmet at least the injury will not be severe and loss would not happen. I hope that the helmet will protect students’ lives, and they would ride safely. Thanks KKU President for the warm welcome and for cooperating with the Province in the 100% helmet use policy.”

At the event, President of Khon Kaen University and Khon Kaen Governor gave prizes to Mr. Withawat Namkhammoon and Mr. Noppon Changchai, 2nd year students from the Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts majoring in Communication Art Design, who won in the Poster Competition for Campaign, Public Relation and Prevention of Road Accidents under the theme “100% helmet use” organized by the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, Ministry of Interior.

Withawat and Noppon said that after their professor had told them about the project, they decided to join and received advice from their professor about the laying technique and the design of poster until they won the prize. One piece of work was a Pop Art design integrated with Isometric, while the other had the outstanding point in the use of colors, red and green, to communicate about traffic. These two colors also stand out by themselves.

“We hope that our posters will make people see the importance of helmet wearing in their daily life, for the helmet is the safety of everyone.”


Administrators of Khon Kaen University and Khon Kaen Province then gave the helmets to student representatives. A 3rd year student from the Faculty of Business Administration and Accountancy said that a lot of KKU students use motorcycle on campus. During the rainy season, if they have something to protect them from accidents it would be very good. Besides giving the helmet, the University also organized activities related to traffic law and trained students on safe riding. The student then thanked the University for seeing the importance of students’ safety.

News: Panit Khatnak

