Khon Kaen University has a strategic administration plan for great transformation that answers the University’s vision to become a “world’s leading research and development university”. The transformation will be on education, research, academic service, human resource management and organization management, all of which are aimed at sustainable progress and development of the university.
As for the ecological system on campus, which is under the responsibility of the Infrastructure and Environment Division of Khon Kaen University; Asst. Prof. Arwut Yimtae, Vice President for Infrastructure and Environment said that the University is working towards developing the campus to be the best place to work, or the place that is fun for working and at the same time the best place that challenges the staff to want to work here. Therefore, one mission is to make the campus a great place to live, suitable for KKU folks to spend their time here with good and green environment, biological classrooms and biodiversity of living things.
Asst. Prof. Arwut Yimtae explained, “The flagship project of the infrastructure and environment division is the increase of accommodation for personnel and students that are increasing in number. We are using the area of the softball field behind Dormitory 26 for one dormitory complex construction, and the softball field will have to be relocated. The area behind PTT Gas Station will also be used for the same purpose. These two areas, where the new dormitory complexes will be built, can accommodate around 4,000 students. The accommodation for staff will be on the Sithan side near the Science Museum. Construction has been planned to be in 2 phases, and the place is expected to accommodate around 2,000 staff members. Now, the Term of Reference (TOR) is completed. The next step is locating investors for construction work.”
“Another part involved in the transformation work of the infrastructure and environment division is improvement of the food and service center (The Complex). It is going to be big transformation here, for the President sees the importance of the place, which is used by most of the staff and students. Now, the work is under the design stage.”
“Besides, there is the waterworks system. The University has invested in dredging the raw water well so that it can retain greater amount of water for the system and assist in prevent shortage of water during the dry season. Implementation in this regard is nearly completed. Reservation of water is now under the maintenance of the unused water tanks in order to increase the amount of storage water for capacity of production all year round. As for water used in agriculture, the Faculty of Agriculture has laid water distributing pipes and uses the water that has undergone the wastewater treatment, plus pumping of underground water derived from nature. The water is used in many points for watering trees and plants. In the future, the various lakes on campus will be developed, such as now we have dredged Nong Hua Chang, an old water storage pond of the University, which had become shallow. This well can now store water for agricultural purposes and at the same time contributes to a pleasant ecological system with shady areas that increase happiness for KKU staff,” Asst. Prof. Arwut Yimtae added.

News: Watchara Noichompoo
Photos: Chaicharn Lada