LTic KKU and the media-producing network hold an exchange activity of digital instruction media production

August 16, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. – Khon Kaen University by the learning and Teaching Innovation Center (LTic KKU) held a seminar for learning and sharing of digital medial production for teaching and learning. Assoc. Prof. Charnchai Panthongviriyakul, M.D., President of Khon Kaen University presided over the opening ceremony. Asst. Prof. Denpong Soodphakdee, Ph.D., Vice President for Digital conveyed the reporting speech. Over 100 personnel of the academic media network, audio-visual officers, and related officers attended. The seminar was held at the Learning and Teaching Innovation Center, 7th Floor, Information Center Building.

Assoc. Prof. Charnchai Panthongviriyakul, M.D., President of Khon Kaen University said that Khon Kaen University has a policy for digital transformation by promoting and developing the skills of lecturers and staff so they are technological competent and are able to develop their own working system and learning with digital technology. The University is also developing and revising formal programs into a new paradigm of learning by using Flipped Classroom that enables learners to learn anywhere at any time. The Production House is another mechanism behind the deployment towards Education Transformation, or the part that supports the transformation in developing learning media. The media must be of quality and meets with the increasingly various learning styles of learners. The ultimate goal of the Production House will not only be the possession of quality learning media, but it must also build stimulation for organizing new approaches of learning that allow learners to learn at any time and according to their interest, as well as allow the instructor to organize the lesson in accordance with his or her expertise, via the modern media and technology used by learners whose age ranges also unlimitedly expand.

“The Digital Section and the Learning and Teaching Innovation Center developed the Production House that comprises the place, the equipment, software, and staff to support and facilitate the production and development of quality learning media. There will be media technologists and audio visual technologists along with relevant officers to cooperate and coordinate for efficiency of usage and service. This is similar to a venue for learning and sharing and developing of better instructional media of the University.”

Asst. Prof. Denpong Soodphakdee, Ph.D., Vice President for Digital revealed that the Digital Section of Khon Kaen University has promoted online instruction. The Production House will be the part that facilitates and accommodates the changes of learning media development. The media must be of quality and meets with the different learning styles of learners. The Digital Section by the Learning and Teaching Innovation Center has therefore encouraged and followed up different platforms for online learning. The center has organized training/ seminars/ and activities for the learning in the digital era for the lecturers so that they can design the lessons and instruction online. The center has promoted and developed the process of media production for the related officers such as media technologists and audio visual technologists so that they are skillful and have expertise in producing media with quality. There are Platforms to accommodate online learning such as kkux, dlearn, dcert, and digiclass. This event also has been organized for staff to present their digital learning media and for learning and sharing of the media production process. The aims are for the personnel to become aware of the adjustment and digital transformation and for building a network of media production with strong support and facilitation in the production process for quality learning media.

There were 4 prizes of the Digital Media Production Competition as follows:

Best Practice Award: Communications Division

Second Runner-up Award: Faculty of Sciences and the College of Graduate Study in Business Administration (MBA)

Third Runner-up Award: The Natural Science Museum

Popular Vote Award: Khon Kaen University Library


News: Jiraporn Prathomchai

Photos: Natthawut Jaruwong
