HUSO KKU joins MCU, Khon Kaen and MBU, Roi-et to hold “Thamma for Youths, Immunization under Digital Era”

March 4, 2022 – Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Khon Kaen University joined Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya, Khon Kaen (MCU) and Mahamakut Buddhist University, Roi-et (MBU) to carry out a moral and ethical promotion project for students. The event featured a talk on: “Thamma for Youths, Immunization under Digital Era” by Phra Khru Sangkharaksakda Suntaro, Vice President of MCU Khon Kaen. The event, which was opened by Assoc. Prof. Orathai Pia-ura, Ph.D., Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, was organized online by ZOOM Meeting and Facebook Live – the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences’ Page. There were a lot of attendants.

The talk included examples of news and situations that are the present online issues for participants to think about the impacts from the news that could be overwhelming. The principles of Dhamma were encouraged among the attendants for self-management in this regard. The talk also featured a question and answer activity on Buddhism where prizes were given to those showing correct answers.

The moral and ethical promotion project for students has been carried out to instill in students the importance of moral and ethics and enable them to correctly apply in their daily life. The project is one of the faculty’s activities in social academic services and art and cultural nurturing that emphasizes collaboration with external institutions and development of an academic service network.



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